I did not discover the truth, that I was classified as high functioning autistic as a child, until I was in my early 30's. But, upon hearing the diagnosis and doing my own research, things just seemed to make sense, the way I acted, my mental state at times, and even how I flourished under Master's collar, where I was struggling before. Things I did not understand suddenly just clicked.
Several main things about autism were present in my day to day life, and I had been coping with them without realizing the reason they were there, or even that they were "abnormal," Because, for me, they were normal. They were just who I am, my little quirks, if you will.
There are things I am OCD about, in a way. The small things, attention to detail type of things. Things that are evident on this site, like my punctuation and capitalization issues. There was a time I would get physically upset if someone referred to my Master without the proper capital letters, especially if it was in a PM to either of us. I would argue with the person about their disrespect, without realizing that, in their own dynamic, it was not disrespectful. This is something I still struggle with. I have to remind myself that I can't control the way others do things. Master has helped with this by reminding me I can not top the whole world and require those who have never met Him to give instant respect.
I realized my little shut-downs were usually caused by some sort of stress, but these are autistic things as well. I can't always prevent them, but with Master's guidance, I have been able to recognize when one was coming on and I have been able to take a moment or two to calm myself and prevent a full blown shut down.
There are times I get flustered because my routine has been disrupted. This is a big thing for me. A major disruption can cause a massive shut down or retreat into myself. But, the routines that Master has helped me set up, His rules and requirements, have assisted me in managing the disruptions that would cause days-long shut downs.
Surrendering full control of myself to Master has eliminated the need to feel like I am constantly in control, and I have been free to discover myself, to enjoy my life in service and to flourish. I know I can turn to Master for anything.
He has encouraged me to be more social in my real life, even though it is difficult for me with all my social awkwardness. When I am overwhelmed, He has encouraged me to turn to the online community, where I felt more comfortable, where the rules of social engagement are less regimented than in the general public.
Part of my particular autism makes me a poor judge of character, and with Master's help, I have improved my choice in friends, and kept the good friends closer than I ever was able to.
I have become more aware of my actions and their effect when I "just follow the crowd" for fear of causing a scene. I actually think more about my actions and words and how they make me look to others before engaging in the activities. Having the rule where I need permission to do specific things has prevented me from doing things without realizing the consequences.
I know how I may look to those who do not understand the dynamic, and how our way of life may look, even to those who do understand the dynamics. It works for us, though, even if it may not work for anyone else.
I know how I must look when I have my hand in my purse when in a crowded place, but it is how I center myself, holding or touching a "purse plushie," knowing that it was from Master and it is His way of reminding me He is with me, and that thought centers me and grounds me.
Not everyone with autism can or should be a slave. But, it works for me, it helps me cope with my issues and difficulties in a non-destructive way. This is just one slave's view on how the dynamic has helped me.
You know, that's actually something I never took into consideration myself and now that you've said something about it, it makes sense.. o-o