Monday, December 29, 2014

What to do?

Well, another year come and gone. Another year of searching. Another year of realizing she is out there but won't come home for one reason or another. Another year of biting my tongue when I really want to tell the truth for fear of her vanishing totally if I do. 
I took the chance and told her half of what I wanted to say and she hasn't called and barely texted me since. I thought we had the kind of relationship where I could tell her the truth about things even if it's hard for her to face or she doesn't want to hear it. 
But I guess not. Are we going to face yet another year of this tango? If I tell her the full truth of what I see will she run away totally? Or will she actually listen? Am I willing to risk what friendship she is willing to share for the possibility of the more that will make us all happy? 
I hope she stops running from her feelings and realizes what is right in front of her. 
If not all I can say is oh well, I guess. I know my feelings have not changed at all, even if she has convinced herself hers have. 
Oh well. 

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