Saturday, May 9, 2015

30 Days - Day 2...

Day 2 - Your first love....

I struggled with this one. Those who have read my blog for a while know that nothing is ever what it seems. I tend to psychoanalyze things. Its not always the best thing to do, but I am who I am, lol.  The way I see it, I have had two "first loves."
I have had the high school, teenage first love, where you figure out what love is, what it can be, and develop many of your basic relationship beliefs and needs. This is the time you figure all of that out, figure out what kind of person you want to spend your life with and what kind of person does not fit into your life's plan.
I have mentioned this first first love a few times in entries past. Sir P was my high school boyfriend. He was my first, and I developed much of my deeply rooted needs and wants in a partner while with him. We explored what love and sex were together.
I have also had the "first love" of an adult. The person who captures your heart, the first one as an adult who has won the  heart and soul. Master is my first adult love. He is the Man with whom I completed my ideals about what love is, what it means, and what it can be. It is with Master that those ideas that started long ago came to fruition and I became all that I can be, and I surrendered all that I am.
The story of my first teenage love has been written, the final chapter of that love story has been penned. The love story of a lifetime, though, and, in fact, many lifetimes, many centuries, is still being written.
Is Brea Liom Tu... Forever

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