Wednesday, February 1, 2017


I have started sending Master a text at night asking if He has any instructions for me before I go to bed. It was something I enjoyed doing while He was on the road. My last thoughts before going to sleep were about Him.
He brought up a point one night after I sent the text. He said He does not mind the texts being sent but He was a little concerned because if He doesn't give an instruction, will I do as I have done in the past and stop asking? I believe the phrasing He used was, its a conundrum.
I am not sending them because I expect an answer or an instruction. Not at all. I know my past behavior would imply otherwise. I can only speak of my current truth. I can't change the past, and, maybe deep down, that thought was my past truth. I can only apologize for the past and move on to my current truth.
The good night text is something I plan to keep doing without expectations.

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