Wednesday, July 4, 2018


The sub with slight slave tendencies that I mentor showed me this quote to get my thoughts on it, and I thought I would share the quote and my thoughts here....
"A sub with a safeword is just a Domme on her knees."
This is a very interesting view on the safeword issue. Does it have any grains of truth to it? There are some Doms and Masters who view a safeword being used as toping from the bottom or not trusting the Dominant. There are others who see the need for one,
Personally, I don't use mine. Read that carefully. I don't use mine. Yes, I do have one, but I don't use it. There are only a few scenes we do that Master would expect me to desire to use my safe word, but I have never used it with Him.
I know if I uttered it, Master would respect it. That's not why I don't use it. I don't use it because I trust Master. I trust Him to never cross the line with me. And He shows me that the trust is well placed.
During a scene with something new, or something that is more intense than usual, He will occasionally stop and ask me if I am ok.He cares enough for His slave to check on her well being.
There is a deep seeded fear in me that, if I do use the safe word, I would be letting Master down in some way. Not submitting to His will. Not giving Him total control.
But that is just me.

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