Friday, May 1, 2015

*THAT* Movie

Just a note, before I continue with this entry, this is my opinion, but also based on my experience within the BDSM lifestyle. My experience encompasses many roles, from being naturally submissive towards my first Dom, even though neither of us knew what we were doing or anything about this lifestyle (yes, you, Sir P), to slave to Master, kitten, little girl to Daddy, pain slut, mental masochist, and even kajira for a little while.
I will refer to specific scenes in the movie in ways the reader will be able to tell right away what scene I am talking about. I will be actually watching the movie again while reviewing it to be sure no details are missed. I took notes during the initial viewing to capture my first reactions. I will be basing this entry on the unrated version available today with the original ending.

Now, I think we are beyond the point where it is needed, but just in case, anything below here is considered a spoiler. I am not responsible for any ruination of the movie once you read beyond here....

Now, to start, just some general comments on the movie.
The version I watched was not the theatrical release but the unrated version. I cannot imagine the rated R version, since I have a feeling its called the unrated version instead of the NC-17 version so the production company does not lose money when people do not buy the DVD or digital download because they are afraid of the NC-17 factor.
The movie would have had a totally different feel to it, a different vibe to it, if the original casting had worked out. Had the original Christian worked out and the man who played Jax Teller had personified Christian, we would have had a very popular Mr. Grey, same with the rumored casting of Matt Smith (Mr. Grey meets the TARDIS?). Mr. Grey is a man who needs to be disliked, at least at first. Viewers need to be able to see his flaws, and there are many. So, personally, though not attracted to the actor like many females are, I think, stripping the character down to the very basics of his personality, the casting is perfect.
Now, the casting of Ana. Dakota Johnson brings just enough innocence to the role. She is believable as the virgin Ana. The viewer can see the potential in her, and any actual Dom watching can see the potential in her portrayal of Ana. Stripping the character down to her very basics, several Doms I have spoken to who have seen the movie have said they can see Ana as someone they would want to have wear their collar eventually.

Now... Lets hit play and get on with this, shall we?

The initial scenes the credits run over establish the vast differences between Ana and Christian. He is perfection personified, she youthful chaos. This is something the movie does well to establish right away, they are from two different worlds.
The interview.... These questions came right out of the book. The scene was a bit more blah than it could have been. The cold and calculated way Grey plays down the agricultural endeavors in Africa annoyed me a bit, especially in light of the part of his commencement speech they used later. When she blurts out "Are you gay?" and fumbles with the paper actually made me giggle. The close up of Grey's twitchy palm, while a nod to the readers, was quite unnecessary here since nonreaders have no idea what it means yet. Also, his twitchy palm is aimed at the question, which Ana did not write, Kate did. This nod to the reader is an inadvertent sign of Grey's lack of control when it comes to his "singular tastes."
And the goddess term has made an appearance! When I read the books, I could not think of a more overused term than Ana's constantly calling herself a goddess in her inner monologues. I can only hope that this is the only time the term is used in the movie. Is it just me, or did Kate (played by Eloise Mumford) get over her flu pretty quickly?  Ana's impressions of Grey. "He's intimidating," is spot on.
This scene in the classroom is completely unneeded.
And cue Jose. He has such a big role in Ana's life, he honestly deserved more than 3 or 4 scenes he is given. I understand his importance in this scene, though. It just goes to further show Ana's naivete when it comes to men, since she does not pick up on Jose's feelings here. For an English Lit major, she is clueless when it comes to romance.
Stalker! This scene is clue one Grey has no idea what he is doing and no idea of safety. Cable ties are never good for bondage. Their use can lead to severe injury, Especially since they are hard to cut even with the sharpest of "Oh Shit" scissors in a playroom. Masking tape is not the same as bondage tape. The adhesive on masking tape can irritate sensitive areas, whereas bondage tape's adhesive is more gentle. The rope? Well, that one I can't think of anything wrong with, except in this scene Grey uses it to embarrass Ana, which is evident by the short length of the rope Ana winds around her arm. If you take into account that Grey seems to do everything whiles in Dom head space, this is a public humiliation scene, one which Ana has not consented to. Geek Moment here, the reference to The Fall is not lost on some. Its actually one piece of brilliance in the movie. Weasel your way into Ana's life a little more, Grey. And Ana's ignorance of Paul's intimacy when he offers to bag for her is further proof Grey knew how naive she really was. Its also a sign that Paul was there to protect her should she need it.
The photo shoot? The way Grey keeps staring at Ana? Some may think its cute, but he is starting to exert his eventual control, watching her every breath. The interrogation about Jose being her boyfriend, and Paul, too. He is almost berating her.
Unwrapping her muffin and commanding her to eat? Non-consensual domination.
Ana and Kate are girls! Getting all girly for a night out! The first of the stalker's high priced gifts. Must be nice to throw money around! Smart, responsible girls, though, arranging a cab because they knew they were going out drinking. At least the movie got something right.
Drunk Ana! "I gotta pee." Lol. And this is why men think all college girls are stupid. The drunk dial. Grey demands to know where she is and if she has been drinking. Ordering her to go home. You aren't her Dom, you have no right to tell her to go home. Now, Jose is acting like a Dom, by protecting Ana from the cold. But, he is pressing her after she says no, Grey jumps in and stops him. Score half a point for Grey.
The next morning when Ana wakes up in the hotel room, at least Grey cared enough to leave her aspirin and juice. He slept with her without her consent. And here he goes with the ordering around again. The threat. When she said "What," he should have explained right then and there.
Oh, hi Elliot. Lol. The brothers couldn't be more opposite. And Kate is the concerned best friend. The experienced one who looks out for naive Ana.
Even though I hate flying and have an extreme fear of heights, even I can appreciate the beauty of Charlie Tango. Grey's little scene of buckling Ana in is a major point in the book, but not really stressed as much here. Just him taking more control. Then again, at this point Ana is the dummy who gets into a helicopter with a man she barely knows to go to an unknown place. More proof she is naive.
Grey's ever growing penthouse. That was one major complaint in the books, Readers thought Grey's penthouse grew with every scene. And the NDA. Its more control and more paranoia.
This little exchange, "my playroom" "What your xbox and stuff" is sweet.
I do have to say, I was blown away by the playroom. That initial shot, where everything is shown, is breathtaking. It is beautifully set up, even though there does not appear to be enough space to have comfortable back swing when using a whip properly, but it is really a well stocked playroom. Grey's colors would, obviously, be red and black. So, yes, the playroom, known as The Red Room of Pain, is breathtakingly gorgeous! I have just skipped back twice to see the entire thing. They also waited until they actually shot the scenes in the room to show the entire thing to the actress who played Ana because they wanted to get her actual initial reaction to the room. So, yes, I will admit, even I was impressed by the gorgeous playroom.
At this point in the movie, their initial conversation in the playroom, I need to interject. Ana asks Grey "You're a sadist?" And he answers "I'm a dominant." No, he is not. 99% of people with any BDSM experience, especially those of the 24/7 variety like myself, agree, Grey is not a Dominant, he is a control freak sadist at best. I have started to explain what makes him not a Dominant throughout this entry, and will continue to do so as the movie continues. We are now 40 minutes in.
Ana's bedroom.... He gives her a room in his penthouse to decorate as she would like, where she would stay when she is there. Grey doesn't sleep with anybody. He doesn't answer Ana when she asks why. Avoiding answering the tough questions does not make you a Dominant, it makes you aloof, it makes you a creep, and it does not promote the trust and communication needed to make this kind of relationship work.
Grey's assumption that Ana had already had sex always bothered me. I don't really know why, but it did. And I'm not touching that hypocritical statement about being honest with each other. His annoyance and the assumption that her virginity is an inconvenience was an issue with many readers, experienced BDSM practitioners and vanillas alike, Anyone who says they are rectifying the situation, meaning ridding her of her virginity, is someone to run away from. This scene made me thankful again for the gentleness with which I willingly lost my virginity to Sir P.
Despite his approach, and even though he may be 50 shades of fucked up (his own words), this scene does prove Grey has some heart. Oh, and 45 minutes into the movie and we finally get some nudity besides Elliot. I do like the way they did this scene, though. The actress who played Ana has said this was her favorite sex scene.
So, big bad rough and tumble always in control Grey not only had sex in his own bed, but also slept with someone in his own bed. Why exactly does Ana need to be closed off in her own room again?
Now, the most iconic part... The tie on her wrists. A real BDSM practice, honor bondage. When done between open, honest, caring, and trusting couples, it is an amazing thing. The submissive is held in place, in part (as Ana is here) or in whole, simply by the Dominant's words. Obeying hie wishes, pleasing him, is the only thing keeping the girl in place. Personally, I love honor bondage.
I'm glad they included this. Nothing can make even the most powerful man quake like his mother calling out to him while he is having sex. Grey's reaction does humanize him a bit. Getting the tie off her wrists poses a problem to me, though. This is, presumably, the quickest he can do it. This is not a quick escape by any BDSM terms. This would be a case where one would use the Oh Shit Scissors kept beside any and all play areas (also why you should have more than one pair).
The way Grey treats his mother should be a sign to Ana. You can tell a lot about a man by how he treats his mom. Grey is rude and almost mean to Dr Grey. (I, personally, am still a bit shocked Marcia Gay Harden agrees to the movie at all once she knew the subject matter).
Ana is starting to ask the questions that should have been asked all along. When Ana calls it the Red Room of Pain, Grey actually does say something correct. That room is much more about pleasure. He is right. When used properly and safely by people who know what they are doing, it is very much a room about pleasure. I love our Smoke and Sky Cell (only called a Cell because it is on the small side). Many people, on both sides of the collar can tell you that a room like the Red Room is all about pleasure. But, Grey uses it to control, to manipulate, and to abuse.
A successful, healthy D/s relationship involves trust and understanding on both sides. Ana asks about dates, and Grey answers that its not really his thing. He tells her to keep an open mind, while at the same time tightening the locks on the doors in his own mind. He needs to start to practice what he is preaching.
Ok, his promise to her while looking into her eyes, that is realistic. Doms who are in actual relationships with their subs and not just play partners do make such heartfelt promises. Master has made the same promises to me, that He will be devoted to me, Sir P made them when we were dating. Even Sirene made the promises when I was dating her. It doesn't make a Dominant weak, it makes them human.
And there it is, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. The reason Grey is a sadist who should not be trusted and not a Dominant as he claims. He was the victim of a child molester who was hooked on power, who took advantage of a young child. She taught him the wrong way (I know we all preach in this world there is no right or wrong, but in this case, yes there is), and this is why he acts and behaves as he does in his role as Dominant. And jealous, insecure Ana rears her head. Now, I for one believe it is possible to be friends with an ex, just ask Sir P, but an ex who broke the law by the very fact that there was a relationship? I'm with Ana on this one.
Another thing they got right. Many subs and slaves do agree, there is that freedom in submission, that ability to be themselves completely when they surrender all control. It is a beautiful thing to watch, an amazing thing to experience for yourself, and in the Dominant's role, I can only imagine how amazing the knowledge that the submissive trusts you enough to give you this gift must feel.
Hey, during their walk, the car was painted! It was black when they left the penthouse, now its gray.
Ok, the contract.... Yes, they are fun if that fits your dynamic. Grey makes it seem like it is legally binding. Truth is, its not. Real slavery is illegal, you can not sign a contract that negates that fact. Contracts in BDSM are not legally binding. In most cases, they can not even hold up in court to prove things were consensual. Voice over Grey is a smart man. He makes it seem like this is ALL for Ana's benefit in the contract.
Lets talk about the safe words. I do like that they were mentioned here. When with a new partner, especially, one should always have a safe word. I like that there are two, yellow to slow down or warn that the limit is near, and red to stop. This is actually smart on Grey's part.
Ok, this part, an hour in, Ana has sent the "Nice knowing you" email, and he has now showed up at the apartment. This scene was actually one of the most popular in the book, the ice scene. It has too much of a rape vibe with the set up for my tastes, and Ana does not know enough about BDSM to consent to a consensual nonconsent scene.
I have a bigger problem with what happens next, though. Ana is obviously needing help processing and understanding what just happened. She is touching him and he recoils. He presses her to make p her mind and sign the contract, even though she is not sure still. He gets out of bed, reminding her he doesn't sleep with anyone, and leaves. He does not provide aftercare to a new submissive. Does not allow her that healthy bonding time needed to strengthen trust. A consensual nonconsent scene, especially the first time, can be intense, and should be followed by lots of time to process together.
This does lead into one of the most important scenes in any movie about BDSM, though. The negotiation scene, or business meeting scene. This can take the form of many things, but this was the best in this relationship, this dynamic. Make sure you agree to every work, every comma, every period in a contract or agreement with a D/s partner. Even when an actual contract is not used, it is a good idea to begin negotiations with a checklist of limits. We have one in the Household Manual, which is a guide to Master's House. You can find a checklist by searching Google for the term "BDSM Checklist." Just as Ana does, never hesitate to ask about things you do not know on the checklist. Negotiations, Ana got something she wanted, she got a weekly date night. Grey is learning how to be a real Dominant! There is hope!
Oh, Grey, way to be blunt! Just something about that statement, as negotiations are ending, "I would like to fuck you into the middle of next week." It made me chuckle. And how he read Ana at that point. Then he pressures her outside to sign the contract again.
Finally graduation day. And, lets exert more non-consensual mental control over Ana. Notice the tie? And I must say, I do love jealous Ana when she tells the girls she heard he is gay. Feel the sexual tension. Pressure her a little more, why don't you? But he does repay her by allowing himself to be photographed with her in the paper, first time ever, so that is something. And the expensive graduation present. Seems nice until you realize that he also basically stole her VW to sell it and replace it with another "You owe me" gift. And she rolled her eyes at him.
Time to be taken across his knee. A first punishment. She reacts as one would expect to it. And he leaves. Again, no aftercare, no processing, just spank and leave. Not cool, Grey. I was just starting to think you were a human being again. Ana is also starting to sub drop, and where is the Dom who caused it? He ran away. Kate knows something is wrong, that Ana is not going at her own pace.
At least he is letting her experience the playroom before she signs the contract. And he is explaining the playroom rules to her as well. This is common, too, to have playroom rules. He braids her hair to get her into sub head space. He changes he pants to get him into Dom head space.
Her first time with cuffs, though, shouldn't have been with such heavy ones. I do like that he used the crop on her hand first to show her there is nothing to be afraid of. Pluses and minuses. He does go slow her initial pain play scene, the sensual with the sadistic, its a beautiful mix. Then he ruins it by hitting her stomach area with the crop. Big no-no. Despite the excitement and promise here, it is actually in Grey's contract that his penis will not be shown.
Lets talk about these cuffs. They are WAYYY too loose on her. When Grey takes her arms down, you can see how loose they are. And when he puts them on her, he does not check the fit, which any Dominant worth their salt would do. Master still slips two fingers between the cuff or collar and my skin every time, no matter how many times we have used a specific set. These are new to Ana, so it is impossible that Grey knows exactly how they fit.
And lets leave the brand new sub alone to process again. Wonder what Old Blue Eyes would say about being in this movie, lol. Time to meet the Grey's. And there's the old control freak! Palm twitchingly controlling. Now, he is telling her not to go to her mom's. And he is not answering simple questions but he is angry she won't tell him everything.
Too bad she is asleep when he opens up to her. But then again, the sub is alone in bed, not able to strengthen the bonds in the dynamic. Grey is missing out on so much by not allowing that time after a scene together. That bond is so sweet, so amazing. I actually feel bad for them both.
Did he upgrade her ticket out of guilt?
Eat your bowl of salsa Bob and shut up! And jealous Ana. Here in Georgia is right. Stalker!
"This is my girlfriend..." And he said he isn't a romantic? Ana didn't realize how he introduced her to the tow pilot. But then he starts being mysterious towards her. Book readers do know what happened at this point, but its still a mystery to Ana.
Reminder about Red and Yellow. Sensual mixed with sadistic again. The pain slut in me is shuddering though. Flogging the belly? Does Grey not know how much harm that can cause? The tender areas, the tender organs? A big no-no. You NEVER flog or whip the belly like that.
This scene, the argument, is what happens when you don't process a scene at all, because you don't know how, because your Dominant has neglected your needs, your mental well being. "Because I am fifty shades of fucked up."
This last scene, it is the ultimate in bad-Dom'ing. He pushes her beyond her limits, and he knows it. A first belt whipping should never be done without a warm up. He is not coaching her breathing, he is not checking on her well being. Something that can easily send a sub into space is ruined. He should never have made it to six. He should not have dropped the belt and just walked away. He trained her to expect him to just walk away, but, just no, it should not be like that. A belt whipping needs aftercare. She needs to be able to trust him to allow her to process, to manage her welts, because there will be welts. But she does not know how to process because Grey didn't teach her. This is the sign of the abuse. This is a sign of the neglect, towards him when younger as well as her. She can't process because he can't process.
He should never have allowed himself to go that far. He did not push her limits, as a good Dom does over time, he blew them up.

There you go. My thoughts, good and bad, on the movie... What about everyone else?

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