I am planning on a self publish sometime around Thanksgiving, but I am not going to carve that in stone, yet, I don't want to let you guys down, and don't want to put out an inferior product, plus I might need to take a break from writing if I need surgery.
So, for all of you who have been nothing but patient, how about the very first sneak peek? This is the first time Allen and Christine exchange messages with Mary online, so it is the very beginning of the book. Enjoy!
chuckled to himself and shook his head slowly. Why did girls always
doubt their abilities when it came to the kind of relationship he
hoped for. After his wife told him about her last relationship before
they met, he thought she was crazy, but then she explained it to him,
and he agreed it was possible.
discussed it as a couple for several months, each did their own
research, and made some friends who already lived in this manner.
When all was said and done, though, they accepted the risks and
decided to pursue it, and, man, it hasn't been easy, but it was worth
is a common fear, and is a valid concern. Right now, though, we are
just getting to know each other, just learning a little more about
one another, we can move slowly, though. I know you are new to this
kind of relationship and that will be taken into consideration as we
move forward. Would you like to know some basics about us while you
think about things?”
knew she was nervous, he knew she was thinking of running. His plan
now was to show Mary that he and Christine were regular people, in
their own way. Christine knelt at his side and presented him with his
after-work whiskey as Mary's reply asking to know more about them
came across the screen.
will start with a little about Christine, first,” he typed as he
dismissed his wife with a wave of his hand, knowing she had some
paperwork to do for her bakery as he chatted with Mary. “Christine
is a business owner, she is the owner and head chef at Chrissy's
Sweets in Downtown Little Rock. Have you heard of it?”
I have, actually. Their chocolate lava brownie bite minicake is
responsible for me not being able to lose that last five pounds
towards my goal,” she replied. Allen smiled at the thought of his
wife's genius in creating the bakery's signature sweet.
is a common complaint. I will let her tell you all about the bakery
later. Christine is trained as a pastry chef and has owned the bakery
for nine years. She is a former Catholic who follows a pagan path now
but she does not push it on others. Everything in the bakery
Christine has developed and perfected, but she can tell you about her
process another time,” Allen could go on for hours about how proud
he was of his wife, but he didn't want to overwhelm the poor girl
right away.
will tell you a little about myself, but then I want you to log off
and get some sleep while thinking about things, think about any
questions you may have for either of us, and I want you to email any
questions you have to either of us. Ok?” He knew turning on the
Dom-charm was risky, but it was worth it.
sounds good to me,” came the reply, but less than a minute later
came what seemed like a very tentative, “Sir.”
girl. I am a civil litigation lawyer, practicing in Little Rock, my
office is right across the street from the bakery. I am an avid
sports fan but do not participate in fantasy leagues. I also bowl
once a week with Christine in a Dom/sub league. I don't want to
overwhelm you all at once, so I will sign off for now. Don't forget
to get some rest and to think about any questions you may want to ask
either of us. I look forward to hearing from you.”
will....Sir. Have a good night,” she replied.
night, girl. We will chat more tomorrow.” Allen signed off and
swirled the remaining ice around his whiskey glass. “Christine,”
he called, knowing she was finished with her paperwork.
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