I want to take a moment to thank you, my wonderful readers, for all the messages during my absence since my last entry was about my heart issues. Your concern means a lot to me, especially now. My readers mean a lot to me, and it is because of that outpouring of concern that I write this blog.
I am doing better, still getting tired more, but the doctor has said I should take a nap every day, which Master has been wonderful about allowing! My strength is back and the pneumonia is completely gone! So those are positives.
Over the next month or so, I will be undergoing some tests to see if surgery is needed. If it is needed, it will be my aortic valve, which has been leaking for 15+ years! And it will be either replacement or repair.
I hope to not go as long without posting again! The next test is in 2 weeks, and I can ask Master to post after the procedure if possible to let my dear readers know how it went.
Thank you all again for all the messages asking about my condition! You have no idea how much it means to me! While I go through this medical stuff, I will continue my normal posting, but I will also create a few posts about how the medical stuff is effecting my service if you all would be interested. Stay tuned!
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