Sunday, November 11, 2018

Head Space

We talk a lot in this lifestyle about head space. About being in the proper head space. And how head space can effect every aspect of a dynamic. But, whose responsibility is it to obtain and keep proper head space?
Some may argue that it is the Dominant’s responsibility to maintain their sub’s head space. But, isn’t it a more pressing responsibility of the sub to inform their Dominant of their current head space status? It is said over and over again that Dominants are not mind readers. How can they fulfill their responsibilities to care for their sub’s mental state if they don’t know there is an issue?
Case in point, the other day, I was in a bad head space. Master knew something was wrong because I shut down. When He finally got me to talk about it, I was deep into the space. Once I opened up, I was too deep into the bad head space for Master to get me out of it. I’m still in that space. I’m not as bad right now.

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