Sunday, November 11, 2018

Getting Back...

I’m sitting here thinking about how I’m going to return to the way things were, return to the dynamic, return to my role. If Master will allow me to find and follow the lifeline, if He is still willing to throw it.
The things I used to do, I can start doing again. I can start to cover again, wearing skirts again, doing slave rituals every day again, do the homemaker things better than I have ever done, focusing more on Master’s needs or wants than my own needs or wants, trusting that Master knows best and has my best interests at heart when He makes decisions, obey Master’s wishes with how much coffee I drink.
Other steps I can take are to find something to wear daily as a collar, something new that has symbolizes the recommitment to the dynamic. I’m thinking of doing something drastic. This, though, I’m going to think on before I do it and I’m not going to post about it until after I do it.
I hope and pray I’m offered the lifeline.

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